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Francisco Acosta

Francisco Acosta

My current role is a Senior Designer within The Arthouse, a division of NBC Universal’s Local Media. The last decade was spent supporting all owned and operated NBC television stations, including their Telemundo counterparts. The broadcast design industry has allowed me to innovate and help create the first centralized news graphics department centered around high quality real-time motion graphics.

A daily routine for me consists of daily news production and as needed projects that utilize my skills in typography, composition, animation, visual hierarchy, layout, programming and color theory. These skills help me guide my peers through art direction and sorting through standard operational procedures.

Outside of daily news production I am tasked with the standardization of studio graphics. My role is to oversee all set graphic needs for the Arthouse and all stations. I am charged with creating production standards, guidelines, daily production files and standardizing naming schemes for our clients and artists to follow. I also pride myself in responding to the daily needs of our client and artist feedback to ensure for an efficient work-flow.

I am also tasked with the upkeep of sports daily files that require a constant account of each national sports team's logo and brand to ensure our newscast graphics mirror that of each franchise.

Standardization of animated maps was a venture that I initially started and still have a relevant part in to this day.

The final aspect of responsibilities is my role within the real time graphic team. Our real time graphics unit creates templatized graphic solutions through an output system that has been used within the ROSS XPression and previously Chryon Lyric environment. This environment mixes a graphic arts philosophy with development solutions encased in a .NET framework. This environment has allowed me to create daily template production files within a custom created process in which I have aided in creating through internal efficiencies with daily production files and a custom scripting handbook which allows our developers to quickly create solutions on the fly.

All the aforementioned duties showcase my leadership, customer service, brand management and standardization skills that have helped the Arthouse grow into what it is today.


© 2023 Francisco Acosta